PEFC基準文書番号 | PEFC基準文書名 |
PEFC ST 1001:2017 | 規格の制定ー要求事項 |
Standard Setting - Requirements | |
PEFC ST 1002:2018 [FM:グループ認証] | グループ森林管理認証-要求事項 |
Group Forest Management - Requirements | |
PEFC ST 1003:2018 [FM] | 持続可能な森林管理-要求事項 |
Sustainable Forest Management - Requirements | |
PEFC ST 2001:2020 [商標] | PEFC 商標使用規則-要求事項 |
PEFC Trademarks Rules – Requirements | |
PEFC ST 2002:2020 [COC] | 森林および森林外樹木産品のCOC-要求事項 |
Chain of Custody of Forest and Tree Based Products - Requirement | |
PEFC ST2002:2020 [COC:外部委託契約様式] | PEFC COC 外部委託契約のための様式 |
PEFC Technical document Template:Outsourcing Agreement Version 1 O1.12.2020 | |
PEFC ST 2003:2020 | PEFC国際COC規格に照らした認証業務を実行する認証機関に 関する要求事項 |
Requirements for Certification Bodies operating Certification against the PEFC International Chain of Custody Standard | |
PEFC Normative Document Annex 1 | 規準文書 PEFCの用語と定義 付属文書1 |
Normative Document PEFC Terms and Definitions Annex 1 | |
PEFC Normative Document Annex6 | 規準的文書 認証・認定手順 附属文書6 |
Normative Document Certification and Accreditation procedures Annex6 |