SGEC International Activity News
Credibility of PEFC Certified Products
▼Credibility of PEFC Certified Products October 17 2017 (PDF)
Recent Activities of SGEC
Joining PEFC
Joining the PEFC Council
In 2011, when almost 10 years had passed since launching of SGEC Certification Scheme, SGEC was facing the new stage of its nation-wide expansion, seeking for further dissemination and development of sustainable forest management, after the initial stage of establishment of its basic institutional framework.
It was in such circumstances that internationalization of SGEC scheme was called for in order for improving people`s recognition of SGEC Scheme and building up the position of SGEC certified products as international commodities.
On December 14, 2011, aiming at mutual recognition with PEFC, SGEC transformed itself into a general incorporated association, and also amended its certification scheme. After further preparing for internationalization of its certification scheme, SGEC applied for PEFC membership on May 20, 2014, and then formerly joined the PEFC Council on July 27, 2014.

▼Application for PEFC membership by SGEC (PDF)
Contract between SGEC and PEFC Council for administration of PEFC scheme
Contract between SGEC and the PEFC Council for administration of PEFC scheme
SGEC establishes its institutional framework as National Governing Body of PEFC in Japan which administers the PEFC certification scheme in Japan under authorization by the
PEFC Council.
▼Contract for administration of PEFC scheme (PDF)
Endorsement of SGEC Scheme by PEFC
Endorsement of SGEC scheme by the PEFC Council
Application for endorsement of SGEC scheme to the PEFC Council was submitted on March 27, 2015. After the assessment of SGEC scheme by a consultant appointed by the PEFC Council and review of the assessment report by the PEFC expert panel, the endorsement of SGEC scheme was formally approved by the PEFC Council board meeting held in April 2016 and subsequent PEFC
General Assembly (postal ballot) on June 3, 2016.

▼Cover letter of Application for mutual recognition with PEFC (PDF)
▼From second page of Application for mutual recognition with PEFC (PDF)
▼Endorsed Documentation of SGEC (Linked to the Page of PEFC Web-Site.)
Indigenous AINU peoples FM standard revision report 26, September, 2017
The report include Old and New standard of Comparative table on 5-1-5 “Principles, Indicators and Guidelines for SGEC Forest, Management Certification ”, Operational Document 3-1,SGEC Document 3.
▼Indigenous AINU peoples FM standard revision report to PEFC CEO 29, September, 2017 (PDF)
Standard Documents
SGEC Documents
SGEC Documents
These are SGEC Documents stipulating the SGEC standards endorsed by the PEFC Council in
its board meeting held in April 2016 and subsequent PEFC General Assembly.
▼Document1 Statutes of SGEC (PDF)
▼Document2 Operational Rules of SGEC (PDF)
▼Document3 FM principles indicators and guidelines (PDF)
▼Document4 CoC guidelines (PDF)
PEFC Documents
Current Status of Forest Management and Chain of Custody Certification
List of Certificate Holders and Logo Usage License Holders of SGEC-FM・CoC/PEFC-CoC
▼PEFC Web-site (Link)
▼<国別のFM認証及びCoC認証の検索方法> (Japanese)