

PEFC側から見たSGECの位置づけは、PEFCのウエブサイト(英語版)で、SGEC規準の適合性確認関係文書を含め確認できます。. 関係文書の場所 PEFC Home > Discover PEFC>Our PEFC members>National members)
The Sustainable Green Ecosystem Council was first endorsed in 2016 and subsequently maintained its endorsement in January 2022.
Japanese sustainable forest management standard 6.87 MB
Japanese assessment report 2.20 MB
Japanese full system documentation 3.95 MB
2021 system assessment
- Status: Assessment finished, system endorsement maintained
- Type: Assessment of revised system
- Assessor: Article Three (formerly ITS Global)
- System submitted for assessment: 30 April 2021
- Consultation: 17 May – 16 July 2021
Watch the recording of the webinar to find out more about this national system.
Endorsement milestones
To maintain its PEFC endorsement, the system must meet specific endorsement milestones. The first milestone is the start of the periodic review within five years of the national approval of the sustainable forest management standard.
- National approval date: 30 March 2021
- Review date: 29 March 2026
System history
- Endorsement maintained: 31 January 2022
- Endorsed: 3 June 2016
- Joined PEFC: 29 July 2014
History before PEFC
- 2002: Proposal of a forest certification scheme suitable for forests in Japan by the Committee for the Establishment of SGEC Forest Certification.
- 2003: The “SGEC Forest Certification Scheme” was established.
- 2011: Reform of SGEC including i) Registration as a corporate body, ii) Revision of standards, iii) Adoption of third-party certification was implemented.
- 2014: SGEC became a member of PEFC.
- 2016: SGEC was endorsed by PEFC.
What are the benefits of being part of the PEFC alliance?
- The reliability of the consumers to SGEC will increase by participating in the PEFC member countries.
- Broader expansion of the CoC certification network by connecting SGEC’s and PEFC’s CoC
certificates. - The PEFC label is beneficial to the exporters of domestic timber with the label of PEFC.
- Integration of experience and information between SGEC and PEFC will be valuable.